WIS Discipline

It is the aim of the school administration to maintain high moral and disciplinary standards in the school. To this end the following measures have been instituted :

  • There should be no disturbance of others in or out of class.
  • There should be no loitering during school hours. Under no circumstances should pupils or students loiter behind the classroom blocks or on the school compound after school hours.
  • Students are not permitted to leave their classrooms to call any teacher for a lesson apart from the class prefect. Teachers have their teaching time table and are expected to be in their class at the expected time.
  • Students should not litter the classroom floors or the school compound. Dust bins and litter bins are provided accordingly. All students must ensure that their classrooms are kept tidy at the close of the day. Desks and dusts bins should be emptied of all rubbish.
  • Toilets and other places of convenience should be left in an acceptable condition after use.
  • Prefects must always wear their sashes to school and have them on throughout the day until they are off the school premises.

Discipline measures such as detention, doing manual work and corporal punishment, suspension or expulsion may become necessary for certain offences including the following :

  • Truancy-absence from classes/school without permission.
  • Leaving the school compound during school hours without permission.
  • Bullying of students or extorting items from other students.
  • Possession and / or use of dangerous weapons
  • Fighting
  • Using of foul language
  • Gambling
  • Disrespect to teachers and fellow pupils and students
  • Assault on teachers, other members of staff and other students
  • Possession and drinking of alcohol, smoking or using illicit drugs or substances abuse.
  • Stealing, burglary and pilfering
  • Examination malpractices include cheating
  • Failure to write examination without justifiable cause
  • Display of sexual intimacy such as kissing, fondling. Bing in compromising positions and possession of pornographic and sexual material.
  • Vandalism in school-willfully destroying school property, breakages etc.
  • Flouting the authority of staff and prefects
  • Any other misconduct deemed serious by the school.
Internal Suspension

The students/pupil will be made to do manual work throughout the period that he/she is suspended. It is hoped that students/pupil will not contravene any of the above, but if they do, the school authorities will assume it was done knowingly and willfully and with full acknowledge and acceptance of the consequences.


The following should also be noted :

  • Birthday celebrations are not allowed in the school.
  • Celebration of Valentine’s Day or any such day is not tolerated in the school
  • Parents and guardians should inform the school if they wish to take their wards out of school for reasons such as transfer, going on leave etc. A month’s notice will be required. In lieu of notice, the parent or guardian will have to pay the full term’s fee.
  • Lunch or snacks should be placed in separate bags to avoid soiling of books.
  • Children should not bring to school expensive items such as jewelry, palm top etc.
  • All personal property should be properly and clearly marked.
  • All student /pupils are obliged to remind their parents or guardians to attend PTA meetings. Failure to attend PTA meetings consistently for two (2) terms will result in their losing the privilege of having another child or children admitted to the school.
  • End of term reports are to be picked up on days specified by the school. Failure of parents or guardians to collect reports for 2 consecutive terms will nullify their privilege of having a child or children being admitted to the school. If a parent is unable to pick up a report, a letter should be sent informing the school or, an authority note should be given to a person who will collect same.
  • The school deems it necessary to encourage a close teacher and parent/ guardian relationship to ensure high quality education for their children /wards. In this regards, teachers are committed to maintain high standards of professional conduct and parents are also expected to establish positive relationships with the teachers based on mutual trust and respect.
  • Any verbal abuse or assault by parents and /or teachers is unacceptable behavior.
  • Teachers, parents /guardians should take this seriously as the appropriate sanctions will be enforced in the event of a breach.