Code Of Conduct

The school’s code of conduct is designed to build up the character and personality of the child through his or her school years and also for the future. It also seeks to provide a framework for running the school effectively to promote its image.

General Behavior : Pupils and Students are expected To :
  • Be courteous at all times to staff, fellow students and visitors to the school.
  • Greet staff politely at all times.
  • Stand aside so as not to be in the way of the teacher coming towards them. Same conduct is expected when they meet a staff, parent or elderly person coming towards them.
  • Avoid running along verandas, walkways and stairways to prevent collision with orders.
  • Show appreciation by saying ‘’thank you ‘’ to staff and their colleagues when necessary.
Classroom Behavior: Pupils and students are expected to:
  • Be quiet and listen attentively while teaching is in progress.
  • Raise their hands to be acknowledged.
  • Avoid bullying or teasing others since these will be met with instant sanctions
  • Seek permission from a class teacher or class prefect before leaving the class.

Pupils and students are to note that fighting at school is prohibited and will be met with instant sanctions.